English Summary

Reaktor is a free Estonian web fanzine that celebrates and broadcasts works of sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and other speculative fiction. Our monthly issues cover all things "ulme" (the Estonian umbrella term for speculative fiction genres) - from books and board games to LARPs and live performances. We also help local publishing houses spread word about their releases via news, reviews, and teasers.

Launched as a fandom basement project in 2011, Reaktor has since grown into a considerable fiction release platform that welcomes versatile authors, novices and veterans alike. In addition to the local writers' original stories, our fiction collection features the works from world-renowned authors such as Norman Spinrad, Charles Stross, and Bruce Sterling. We've also had the privilege to interview several notable creatives, including Andrzej Sapkowski, Joe Abercrombie, and Andreas Eschbach. Every few years we publish a selection of the most memorable Reaktor stories as paperback collection called Tuumahiid (The Atomic Giant).

[January 2022]
Reaktor is currently NOT CONSIDERING ANY NEW STORY SUBMISSIONS FOR TRANSLATION as we do not have the capability to process the material. Sorry for the inconvenience! You can still contact us via the general editorial e-mail, though: toimetus@ulmeajakiri.ee
Reaktori tööle saab kaasa aidata igaüks! Saada oma jutt, artikkel, arvustus, uudisvihje, arvamus või muu kaastöö toimetuse aadressile toimetus@ulmeajakiri.ee.
© Kõik jutud on autorikaitse objekt, mille kopeerimine ja levitamine on autori nõusolekuta keelatud! (0.0202)